
Here's What Wayble's Annual Support Contract Includes

Wayble Support

The Annual Support Contract covers Wayble Wayfinding powered by Mapsted’s for a period of 12 months for CUSTOMER. Mod agrees to offer up to six (6) support incidents per a twelve (12) month period.

An incident is any time a Mod Creative Support rep connects to the client's product deployment or signage media players, troubleshoot, diagnose, and resolve one issue for up to 1 hour of technical support.

Further post-implementation support may be requested and will be invoiced at Mod's current billable hourly rate for technical support, which is currently $400 per hour.  Pricing is subject to change. Pricing does not include travel and expenses if applicable. 

The project is configured to function in a stable manner. Prior to any client technical updates or feed changes, the project(s) should be tested.


Additional Support Details

Looking for Support?

Submit your Request for Support below using the form.

Our typical response time is less than 1 business day, during normal business hours.
We will reach out to you as soon as possible!